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- From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
- Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 5 of 15
- Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-5_717034101@questrel.com>
- Followup-To: rec.puzzles
- Summary: This posting contains a list of
- Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
- It should be read by anyone who wishes to
- post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
- Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
- Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
- Organization: Questrel, Inc.
- References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:08:56 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
- Lines: 1594
- Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part05
- Last-modified: 1992/09/20
- Version: 3
- ==> decision/red.p <==
- I show you a shuffled deck of standard playing cards, one card at a
- time. At any point before I run out of cards, you must say "RED!".
- If the next card I show is red (i.e. diamonds or hearts), you win. We
- assume I the "dealer" don't have any control over what the order of
- cards is.
- The question is, what's the best strategy, and what is your
- probability of winning ?
- ==> decision/red.s <==
- If a deck has n cards, r red and b black, the best strategy wins
- with a probability of r/n. Thus, you can say "red" on the first card,
- the last card, or any other card you wish.
- Proof by induction on n. The statement is clearly true for one-card decks.
- Suppose it is true for n-card decks, and add a red card.
- I will even allow a nondeterministic strategy, meaning you say "red"
- on the first card with probability p. With probability 1-p,
- you watch the first card go by, and then apply the "optimal" strategy
- to the remaining n-card deck, since you now know its composition.
- The odds of winning are therefore: p * (r+1)/(n+1) +
- (1-p) * ((r+1)/(n+1) * r/n + b/(n+1) * (r+1)/n).
- After some algebra, this becomes (r+1)/(n+1) as expected.
- Adding a black card yields: p * r/(n+1) +
- (1-p) * (r/(n+1) * (r-1)/n + (b+1)/(n+1) * r/n).
- This becomes r/(n+1) as expected.
- ==> decision/rotating.table.p <==
- Four glasses are placed upside down in the four corners of a square
- rotating table. You wish to turn them all in the same direction,
- either all up or all down. You may do so by grasping any two glasses
- and, optionally, turning either over. There are two catches: you are
- blindfolded and the table is spun after each time you touch the
- glasses. How do you do it?
- ==> decision/rotating.table.s <==
- 1. Turn two adjacent glasses up.
- 2. Turn two diagonal glasses up.
- 3. Pull out two diagonal glasses. If one is down, turn it up and you're done.
- If not, turn one down and replace.
- 4. Take two adjacent glasses. Invert them both.
- 5. Take two diagonal glasses. Invert them both.
- References
- Probing the Rotating Table"
- W. T. Laaser and L. Ramshaw
- _The Mathematical Gardner_,
- Wadsworth International, Belmont CA 1981.
- ... we will see that such a procedure exists if and
- only if the parameters k and n satisfy the inequality
- k >= (1-1/p)n, where p is the largest prime factor
- of n.
- The paper mentions (without discussing) two other generalizations:
- more than two orientations of the glasses (Graham and Diaconis)
- and more symmetries in the table, e.g. those of a cube (Kim).
- ==> decision/stpetersburg.p <==
- What should you be willing to pay to play a game in which the payoff is
- calculated as follows: a coin is flipped until in comes up heads on the
- nth toss and the payoff is set at 2^n dollars?
- ==> decision/stpetersburg.s <==
- Classical decison theory says that you should be willing to pay any
- amount up to the expected value of the wager. Let's calculate the
- expected value: The probability of winning at step n is 2^-n, and the
- payoff at step n is 2^n, so the sum of the products of the
- probabilities and the payoffs is:
- E = sum over n (2^-n * 2^n) = sum over n (1) = infinity
- So you should be willing to pay any amount to play this game. This is
- called the "St. Petersburg Paradox."
- The classical solution to this problem was given by Bernoulli. He
- noted that people's desire for money is not linear in the amount of
- money involved. In other words, people do not desire $2 million twice
- as much as they desire $1 million. Suppose, for example, that people's
- desire for money is a logarithmic function of the amount of money.
- Then the expected VALUE of the game is:
- E = sum over n (2^-n * C * log(2^n)) = sum over n (2^-n * C' * n) = C''
- Here the C's are constants that depend upon the risk aversion of the
- player, but at least the expected value is finite. However, it turns
- out that these constants are usually much higher than people are really
- willing to pay to play, and in fact it can be shown that any
- non-bounded utility function (map from amount of money to value of
- money) is prey to a generalization of the St. Petersburg paradox. So
- the classical solution of Bernoulli is only part of the story.
- The rest of the story lies in the observation that bankrolls are always
- finite, and this dramatically reduces the amount you are willing to bet
- in the St. Petersburg game.
- To figure out what would be a fair value to charge for playing the game
- we must know the bank's resources. Assume that the bank has 1 million
- dollars (1*K*K = 2^20). I cannot possibly win more than $1 million
- whether I toss 20 tails in a row or 2000.
- Therefore my expected amount of winning is
- E = sum n up to 20 (2^-n * 2^n) = sum n up to 20 (1) = $20
- and my expected value of winning is
- E = sum n up to 20 (2^-n * C * log(2^n)) = some small number
- This is much more in keeping with what people would really pay to
- play the game.
- Incidentally, T.C. Fry suggested this change to the problem in 1928
- (see W.W.R. Ball, Mathematical Recreations and Essays, N.Y.: Macmillan,
- 1960, pp. 44-45).
- The problem remains interesting when modified in this way,
- for the following reason. For a particular value of the bank's
- resources, let
- e denote the expected value of the player's winnings; and let
- p denote the probability that the player profits from the game, assuming
- the price of getting into the game is 0.8e (20% discount).
- Note that the expected value of the player's profit is 0.2e. Now
- let's vary the bank's resources and observe how e and p change. It
- will be seen that as e (and hence the expected value of the profit)
- increases, p diminishes. The more the game is to the player's
- advantage in terms of expected value of profit, the less likely it is
- that the player will come away with any profit at all. This
- is mildly counterintuitive.
- ==> decision/switch.p <==
- Switch? (The Monty Hall Problem)
- Two black marbles and a red marble are in a bag. You choose one marble from the
- bag without looking at it. Another person chooses a marble from the bag and it
- is black. You are given a chance to keep the marble you have or switch it with
- the one in the bag. If you want to end up with the red marble, is there an
- advantage to switching? What if the other person looked at the marbles remaining
- in the bag and purposefully selected a black one?
- ==> decision/switch.s <==
- Generalize the problem from three marbles to n marbles.
- If there are n marbles, your odds of having selected the red one are 1/n. After
- the other person selected a black one at random, your odds go up to 1/(n-1).
- There are n-2 marbles left in the bag, so your odds of selecting the red one
- by switching are 1/(n-2) times the odds that you did not already select it
- (n-2)/(n-1) or 1/(n-1), the same as the odds of already selecting it. Therefore
- there is no advantage to switching.
- If the person looked into the bag and selected a black one on purpose, then
- your odds of having selected the red one are not improved, so the odds of
- selecting the red one by switching are 1/(n-2) times (n-1)/n or (n-1)/n(n-2).
- This is (n-1)/(n-2) times better than the odds without switching, so you
- should switch.
- This is a clarified version of the Monty Hall "paradox":
- You are a participant on "Let's Make a Deal." Monty Hall shows you
- three closed doors. He tells you that two of the closed doors have a
- goat behind them and that one of the doors has a new car behind it.
- You pick one door, but before you open it, Monty opens one of the two
- remaining doors and shows that it hides a goat. He then offers you a
- chance to switch doors with the remaining closed door. Is it to your
- advantage to do so?
- The original Monty Hall problem (and solution) appears to be due to
- Steve Selvin, and appears in American Statistician, Feb 1975, V. 29,
- No. 1, p. 67 under the title ``A Problem in Probability.'' It should
- be of no surprise to readers of this group that he received several
- letters contesting the accuracy of his solution, so he responded two
- issues later (American Statistician, Aug 1975, V. 29, No. 3, p. 134).
- I extract a few words of interest, including a response from Monty
- Hall himself:
- ... The basis to my solution is that Monty Hall knows which box
- contains the prize and when he can open either of two boxes without
- exposing the prize, he chooses between them at random ...
- Benjamin King pointed out the critical assumptions about Monty
- Hall's behavior that are necessary to solve the problem, and
- emphasized that ``the prior distribution is not the only part of
- the probabilistic side of a decision problem that is subjective.''
- Monty Hall wrote and expressed that he was not ``a student of
- statistics problems'' but ``the big hole in your argument is that
- once the first box is seen to be empty, the contestant cannot
- exchange his box.'' He continues to say, ``Oh, and incidentally,
- after one [box] is seen to be empty, his chances are not 50/50 but
- remain what they were in the first place, one out of three. It
- just seems to the contestant that one box having been eliminated,
- he stands a better chance. Not so.'' I could not have said it
- better myself.
- The basic idea is that the Monty Hall problem is confusing for two
- reasons: first, there are hidden assumptions about Monty's motivation
- that cloud the issue in some peoples' minds; and second, novice probability
- students do not see that the opening of the door gave them any new
- information.
- Monty can have one of three basic motives:
- 1. He randomly opens doors.
- 2. He always opens the door he knows contains nothing.
- 3. He only opens a door when the contestant has picked the grand prize.
- These result in very different strategies:
- 1. No improvement when switching.
- 2. Double your odds by switching.
- 3. Don't switch!
- Most people, myself included, think that (2) is the intended
- interpretation of Monty's motive.
- A good way to see that Monty is giving you information by opening doors is to
- increase the number of doors from three to 100. If there are 100 doors,
- and Monty shows that 98 of them are empty, isn't it pretty clear that
- the chance the prize is behind the remaining door is 99/100?
- Reference (too numerous to mention, but this one should do):
- Leonard Gillman
- "The Car and the Goats"
- The American Mathematical Monthly, 99:1 (Jan 1992), pp. 3-7.
- ==> decision/truel.p <==
- A, B, and C are to fight a three-cornered pistol duel. All know that
- A's chance of hitting his target is 0.3, C's is 0.5, and B never misses.
- They are to fire at their choice of target in succession in the order
- A, B, C, cyclically (but a hit man loses further turns and is no longer
- shot at) until only one man is left. What should A's strategy be?
- ==> decision/truel.s <==
- This is problem 20 in Mosteller _Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability_
- and it also appears (with an almost identical solution) on page 82 in
- Larsen & Marx _An Introduction to Probability and Its Applications_.
- Here's Mosteller's solution:
- A is naturally not feeling cheery about this enterprise. Having the
- first shot he sees that, if he hits C, B will then surely hit him, and
- so he is not going to shoot at C. If he shoots at B and misses him,
- then B clearly {I disagree; this is not at all clear!} shoots the more
- dangerous C first, and A gets one shot at B with probability 0.3 of
- succeeding. If he misses this time, the less said the better. On the
- other hand, suppose A hits B. Then C and A shoot alternately until one
- hits. A's chance of winning is (.5)(.3) + (.5)^2(.7)(.3) +
- (.5)^3(.7)^2(.3) + ... . Each term cooresponds to a sequence of misses
- by both C and A ending with a final hit by A. Summing the geometric
- series we get ... 3/13 < 3/10. Thus hitting B and finishing off with
- C has less probability of winning for A than just missing the first shot.
- So A fires his first shot into the ground and then tries to hit B with
- his next shot. C is out of luck.
- As much as I respect Mosteller, I have some serious problems with this
- solution. If we allow the option of firing into the ground, then if
- all fire into the ground with every shot, each will survive with
- probability 1. Now, the argument could be made that a certain
- strategy for X that both allows them to survive with probability 1
- *and* gives less than a probability of survival of less than 1 for
- at least one of their foes would be preferred by X. However, if
- X pulls the trigger and actually hits someone what would the remaining
- person, say Y, do? If P(X hits)=1, clearly Y must try to hit X, since
- X firing at Y with intent to hit dominates any other strategy for X.
- If P(X hits)<1 and X fires at Y with intent to hit, then
- P(Y survives)<1 (since X could have hit Y). Thus, Y must insure that
- X can not follow this strategy by shooting back at X (thus insuring
- that P(X survives)<1). Therefore, I would conclude that the ideal
- strategy for all three players, assuming that they are rational and
- value survival above killing their enemies, would be to keep firing
- into the ground. If they don't value survival above killing their
- enemies (which is the only a priori assumption that I feel can be
- safely made in the absence of more information), then the problem
- can't be solved unless the function each player is trying to maximize
- is explicitly given.
- --
- -- clong@remus.rutgers.edu (Chris Long)
- OK - I'll have a go at this.
- How about the payoff function being 1 if you win the "duel" (i.e. if at some
- point you are still standing and both the others have been shot) and 0
- otherwise? This should ensure that an infinite sequence of deliberate misses
- is not to anyone's advantage. Furthermore, I don't think simple survival
- makes a realistic payoff function, since people with such a payoff function
- would not get involved in the fight in the first place!
- [ I.e. I am presupposing a form of irrationality on the part of the
- fighters: they're only interested in survival if they win the duel. Come
- to think of it, this may be quite rational - spending the rest of my life
- firing a gun into the ground would be a very unattractive proposition to
- me :-)
- ]
- Now, denote each position in the game by the list of people left standing,
- in the order in which they get their turns (so the initial position is
- (A,B,C), and the position after A misses the first shot (B,C,A)). We need to
- know the value of each possible position for each person.
- By definition:
- valA(A) = 1 valB(A) = 0 valC(A) = 0
- valA(B) = 0 valB(B) = 1 valC(B) = 0
- valA(C) = 0 valB(C) = 0 valC(C) = 1
- Consider the two player position (X,Y). An infinite sequence of misses has
- value zero to both players, and each player can ensure a positive payoff by
- trying to shoot the other player. So both players deliberately missing is a
- sub-optimal result for both players. The question is then whether both
- players should try to shoot the other first, or whether one should let the
- other take the first shot. Since having the first shot is always an
- advantage, given that some real shots are going to be fired, both players
- should try to shoot the other first. It is then easy to establish that:
- valA(A,B) = 3/10 valB(A,B) = 7/10 valC(A,B) = 0
- valA(B,A) = 0 valB(B,A) = 1 valC(B,A) = 0
- valA(B,C) = 0 valB(B,C) = 1 valC(B,C) = 0
- valA(C,B) = 0 valB(C,B) = 5/10 valC(C,B) = 5/10
- valA(C,A) = 3/13 valB(C,A) = 0 valC(C,A) = 10/13
- valA(A,C) = 6/13 valB(A,C) = 0 valC(A,C) = 7/13
- Now for the three player positions (A,B,C), (B,C,A) and (C,A,B). Again, the
- fact that an infinite sequence of misses is sub-optimal for all three
- players means that at least one player is going to decide to fire. However,
- it is less clear than in the 2 player case that any particular player is
- going to fire. In the 2 player case, each player knew that *if* it was
- sub-optimal for him to fire, then it was optimal for the other player to
- fire *at him* and that he would be at a disadvantage in the ensuing duel
- because of not having got the first shot. This is not necessarily true in
- the 3 player case.
- Consider the payoff to A in the position (A,B,C). If he shoots at B, his
- expected payoff is:
- 0.3*valA(C,A) + 0.7*valA(B,C,A) = 9/130 + 0.7*valA(B,C,A)
- If he shoots at C, his expected payoff is:
- 0.3*valA(B,A) + 0.7*valA(B,C,A) = 0.7*valA(B,C,A)
- And if he deliberately misses, his expected payoff is:
- valA(B,C,A)
- Since he tries to maximise his payoff, we can immediately eliminate shooting
- at C as a strategy - it is strictly dominated by shooting at B. So A's
- expected payoff is:
- valA(A,B,C) = MAX(valA(B,C,A), 9/130 + 0.7*valA(B,C,A))
- A similar argument shows that C's expected payoffs in the (C,A,B) position are:
- For shooting at A: 0.5*valC(A,B,C)
- For shooting at B: 35/130 + 0.5*valC(A,B,C)
- For missing: valC(A,B,C)
- So C either shoots at B or deliberately misses, and:
- valC(C,A,B) = MAX(valC(A,B,C), 35/130 + 0.5*valC(A,B,C))
- Each player can obtain a positive expected payoff by shooting at one of the
- other players, and it is known that an infinite sequence of misses will
- result in a zero payoff for all players. So it is known that some player's
- strategy must involve shooting at another player rather than deliberately
- missing.
- Now look at this from the point of view of player B. He knows that *if* it
- is sub-optimal for him to shoot at another player, then it is optimal for at
- least one of the other players to shoot. He also knows that if the other
- players choose to shoot, they will shoot *at him*. If he deliberately
- misses, therefore, the best that he can hope for is that they miss him and
- he is presented with the same situation again. This is clearly less good for
- him than getting his shot in first. So in position (B,C,A), he must shoot at
- another player rather than deliberately miss.
- B's expected payoffs are:
- For shooting at A: valB(C,B) = 5/10
- For shooting at C: valB(A,B) = 7/10
- So in position (B,C,A), B shoots at C for an expected payoff of 7/10. This
- gives us:
- valA(B,C,A) = 3/10 valB(B,C,A) = 7/10 valC(B,C,A) = 0
- So valA(A,B,C) = MAX(3/10, 9/130 + 21/100) = 3/10, and A's best strategy is
- position (A,B,C) is to deliberately miss, giving us:
- valA(A,B,C) = 3/10 valB(A,B,C) = 7/10 valC(A,B,C) = 0
- And finally, valC(C,A,B) = MAX(0, 35/130 + 0) = 7/26, and C's best strategy
- in position (C,A,B) is to shoot at B, giving us:
- valA(C,A,B) = 57/260 valB(C,A,B) = 133/260 valC(C,A,B) = 7/26
- I suspect that, with this payoff function, all positions with 3 players can
- be resolved. For each player, we can establish that if their correct
- strategy is to fire at another player, then it is to fire at whichever of
- the other players is more dangerous. The most dangerous of the three players
- then finds that he has nothing to lose by firing at the second most
- dangerous.
- Questions:
- (a) In the general case, what are the optimal strategies for the other two
- players, possibly as functions of the hit probabilities and the cyclic
- order of the three players?
- (b) What happens in the 4 or more player case?
- -- David Seal <dseal@armltd.co.uk>
- ==> english/acronym.p <==
- What acronyms have become common words?
- ==> english/acronym.s <==
- The following is the list of acronyms which have become common nouns.
- An acronym is "a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each
- of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term" (Webster's Ninth).
- A common noun will occur uncapitalized in Webster's Ninth.
- Entries in the following table include the year in which they first
- entered the language (according to the Ninth), and the Merriam-Webster
- dictionary that first contains them. The following symbols are used:
- NI1 New International (1909)
- NI1+ New Words section of the New International (1931)
- NI2 New International Second Edition (1934)
- NI2+ Addendum section of the Second (1959, same as 1954)
- NI3 Third New International (1961)
- 9C Ninth New Collegiate (1983)
- 12W 12,000 Words (separately published addendum to the Third, 1986)
- asdic Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (1940, NI2+)
- dew Distant Early Warning (1953, 9C)
- dopa DihydrOxyPhenylAlanine (1917, NI3)
- fido Freaks + Irregulars + Defects + Oddities (1966, 9C)
- jato Jet-Assisted TakeOff (1947, NI2+)
- laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (1957, NI3)
- lidar LIght Detection And Ranging (1963, 9C)
- maser Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (1955, NI3)
- nitinol NIckel + TIn + Naval Ordinance Laboratory (1968, 9C)
- rad Radiation Absorbed Dose (1918, NI3)
- radar RAdio Detection And Ranging (ca. 1941, NI2+)
- rem Roentgen Equivalent Man (1947, NI3)
- rep Roentgen Equivalent Physical (1947, NI3)
- scuba Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (1952, NI3)
- snafu Situation Normal -- All Fucked (Fouled) Up (ca. 1940, NI2+)
- sofar SOund Fixing And Ranging (1946, NI2+)
- sonar SOund NAvigation Ranging (1945, NI2+)
- tepa Tri-Ethylene Phosphor-Amide (1953, 9C)
- zip Zone Improvement Plan (1963, 9C)
- Below are blends that technically are also acronyms:
- alnico ALuminum + NIckel + CObalt (1935, NI2+)
- avgas AViation GASoline (1943, NI3)
- boff Box OFFice (1946, NI3)
- ceramal CERAMic ALloy (ca. 1948, NI2+)
- cermet CERamic METal (1948, NI2+)
- comsymp COMmunist SYMPathizer (ca. 1961, 9C)
- cyborg CYBernetic ORGanism (ca. 1962, 9C)
- dorper DORset horn + blackhead PERsian (1949, NI3)
- elhi ELementary school + HIgh school (1948, 9C)
- gox Gaseous OXygen (1959, 9C)
- hela HEnrietta LAcks (1953, 9C)
- kip KIlo- + Pound (1914, NI2)
- linac LINear ACcelerator (1950, 9C)
- loran LOng-RAnge Navigation (ca. 1932, NI2+)
- lox Liquid OXygen (1923, 9C)
- mascon MASs CONcentration (1968, 9C)
- maximin MAXImum + MINimum (1951, 9C)
- minimax MINImum + MAXimum (1918, 9C)
- modem MOdulator + DEModulator (ca. 1952, 9C)
- motocross MOTOr + CROSS-country (1951, 9C)
- napalm NAphthenic and PALMitic acids (1942, NI2+)
- parsec PARallax SECond (ca. 1913, NI1+)
- redox REDuction + OXidation (1828, NI2)
- selsyn SELf-SYNchronizing (1936, NI2+)
- shoran SHOrt-RAnge Navigation (ca. 1932, NI2+)
- silvex SILVa + EXterminator (1961, 9C)
- sitcom SITuation COMedy (1965, 9C)
- teleran TELEvision-RAdar Navigation (1946, NI2+)
- telex TELeprinter EXchange (ca. 1943, 9C)
- vidicon VIDeo + ICONoscope (1950, NI3)
- wilco WILl COmply (ca. 1938, NI3)
- Acronyms from other languages:
- agitprop AGITatsiya + PROPaganda (Russian, ca. 1926, NI2+)
- flak FLiegerAbwehrKanonen (German, 1938, NI2+)
- gestapo GEheime STAatsPOlizei (German, 1934, NI2+)
- gulag Glavnoe Upravlenie ispravitel'notrudovykh LAGerei (Russian, 1974, 9C)
- kolkhoz KOLlektivnoe KHOZyaistvo (Russian, 1921, NI2)
- moped MOtor + PEDal (Swedish, ca. 1955, 9C)
- sambo SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya (Russian, 1972, 9C)
- Selected near misses:
- athodyd Aero-THermODYnamic Duct (1945, NI2+) -- blend
- awol Absent WithOut Leave (1919, NI2+) -- usually capitalized
- benday BENjamin DAY (1903, NI1+) -- blend
- deet Di-Ethyl Tolumide (1962, 9C) -- pronunciation of D. E. T.
- echovirus Enteric Cytopathogenic Human Orphan VIRUS (1955, 9C) -- blend
- hi-fi HIgh FIdelity (1948, NI2+) -- hyphenated
- ibuprofen Iso-BUtyl PROpionic PHENyl (1969, 12W) -- PH pronounced f
- jaygee Junior Grade (1943, NI3) -- pronunciation of J. G.
- jayvee Junior Varsity (1937, NI3) -- pronunciation of J. V.
- jeep General Purpose (1940, NI2+) -- pronunciation of G. P.
- op-ed OPposite EDitorial (1970, 9C) -- hyphenated
- pj's PaJamas (1951, NI3) -- punctuated
- nazi NAtionalsoZIalist (German, 1930, NI2) -- shorten & alter
- nystatin New York STATe + -IN (1952, NI3) -- extraneous suffix
- reovirus Respiratory Enteric Orphan VIRUS (1959, 9C) -- blend
- sci-fi SCIence FIction (1955, 9C) -- hyphenated
- siloxane SILicon + OXygen + methANE (1922, NI3) -- blend
- tokamak TOroidskaja KAmera MAGneticheskaja (Russian, 1965, 9C) -- G pron. k
- tradevman TRAining DEVices MAN (ca. 1947, NI3) -- blend
- updo UPswept hairDO (1946, NI2+) -- blend
- veep Vice President (1940, NI2+) -- pronunciation of V. P.
- warfarin Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation + coumARIN (ca. 1950, NI3) - blend
- yuppie Young Urban Professional + -PIE (1983, 9C) -- extraneous suffix
- Acronyms that should be in Webster's Ninth:
- biopic BIOgraphical PICture (12W)
- fifo First In, First Out (NI2+)
- lifo Last In, First Out (NI2+)
- nomic NO Metal In Composition (NI3) (John Bulten)
- quango QUAsi-Non Governmental Organization (12W)
- shazam Solomon Hercules Atlas Zeus Achilles Mercury (12W)
- tacan TACtical Air Navigation (12W)
- Supposed acronyms:
- posh Port Out, Starboard Home
- spiff Sales Productivity Incentive Fund
- tip To Insure (should be Ensure) Politeness (or Promptness)
- ==> english/ambiguous.p <==
- What word in the English language is the most ambiguous?
- What is the greatest number of parts of speech that a single word
- can be used for?
- ==> english/ambiguous.s <==
- In Webster's Ninth, "set" occupies 1.2 columns, has 25 vb entries, 11 vi
- entries, 23 noun entries, 7 adjective entries; "take" occupies 1.3 columns,
- has 19 vb entries, 8 vi entries, 4 noun entries.
- The word "like" occupies eight parts of speech:
- verb "Fruit flies like a banana."
- noun "He has his likes and dislikes."
- adjective "People of like tastes agree."
- adverb "The truth is more like this."
- conjunction "Time flies like an arrow."
- preposition "She cries like a woman."
- interjection "Like, man, that was far out."
- verbal auxiliary "So loud I like to fell out of bed."
- ==> english/antonym.p <==
- What words, when a single letter is added, reverse their meanings?
- Exclude words that are obtained by adding an "a-" to the beginning.
- ==> english/antonym.s <==
- e: fast -> feast, fiancee -> fiance
- h: treat -> threat
- r: fiend -> friend
- s: he -> she
- t: here -> there
- ==> english/behead.p <==
- Is there a sentence that remains a sentence when all its words are beheaded?
- ==> english/behead.s <==
- Show this bold Prussian that praises slaughter, slaughter brings rout.
- ==> english/capital.p <==
- What words change pronunciation when capitalized (e.g., polish -> Polish)?
- ==> english/capital.s <==
- A partial list is:
- askew
- august
- begin
- chile
- colon
- concord
- degas
- ewe (African language)
- herb
- job
- levy
- lima
- messier
- mobile
- natal
- nice
- polish
- rainier
- ravel
- reading
- tang (Chinese dynasty)
- tangier
- worms (Germany city)
- ==> english/charades.p <==
- A ....... surgeon was ....... to operate because he had .......
- ==> english/charades.s <==
- A notable surgeon was not able to operate because he had no table.
- ==> english/contradictory.proverbs.p <==
- What are some proverbs that contradict one another?
- ==> english/contradictory.proverbs.s <==
- Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
- Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
- Look before you leap.
- He who hesitates is lost.
- Nothing venture, nothing gain.
- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
- Seek and ye shall find.
- Curiosity killed the cat.
- Save for a rainy day.
- Tomorrow will take care of itself.
- Life is what we make it.
- What is to be will be.
- Too many cooks spoil the broth.
- Many hands make light work.
- One man's meat is another man's poison.
- Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
- With age comes wisdom.
- Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings come all wise sayings.
- Bear ye one another's burdens. (Gal. 6:2)
- For every man shall bear his own burden. (Gal. 6:5)
- Great minds run in the same channel.
- Fools think alike.
- A rolling stone gathers no moss.
- A setting hen never lays.
- ==> english/contranym.p <==
- What words are their own antonym?
- ==> english/contranym.s <==
- In his 1989 book _Crazy English_, Richard Lederer calls such words contranyms
- and lists more than 35, although some are phrases instead of words.
- These can be divided into homographs (same spelling) and homophones (same pronunciation).
- A partial list of homographs:
- aught = all, nothing
- bill = invoice, money
- cleave = to separate, to join
- clip = cut apart, fasten together
- comprise = contain, compose
- dust = to remove, add fine particles
- fast = rapid, unmoving
- literally = actually, figuratively
- moot = debatable, not needing to be debated (already decided)
- note = promise to pay, money
- oversight = care, error
- peep = look quietly, beep
- peer = noble, companion
- put = lay, throw
- puzzle = pose problem, solve problem
- quantum = very small, very large (quantum leap)
- ravel = entangle, disentangle
- resign = to quit, to sign up again
- sanction = to approve of, to punish
- sanguine = murderous, optimistic
- scan = to examine closely, to glance at quickly
- set = fix, flow
- skin = to cover with, remove outer covering
- speak = express verbally, express nonverbally
- table = propose [British], set aside
- temper = calmness, passion
- trim = cut things off, put things on
- A very short list of homophones:
- aural, oral = heard, spoken
- fiance, fiancee = female betrothed, male betrothed
- raise, raze = erect, tear down
- A pair of French words which can be very confusing:
- La symetrie (symmetry) and L'asymetrie (asymmetry).
- Latin:
- immo = yes, no
- Possibilities:
- draw (curtains, open or close) (money, withdraw, accumulate interest)
- eke
- ==> english/element.p <==
- The name of what element ends in "h"?
- ==> english/element.s <==
- Bismuth.
- "The Elements" by Tom Lehrer
- Sung to the tune of "The Major-General's Song" from Gilbert & Sullivan's
- "The Pirates of Penzance":
- There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium
- And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium
- And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium
- And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium,
- Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium
- And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium
- And gold and protactinium and indium and gallium
- And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.
- There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium
- And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium
- And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium
- And BISMUTH, bromine, lithium, beryllium and barium.
- There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium
- And phosphorous and francium and fluorine and terbium
- And manganese and mercury, molybdenum, magnesium,
- Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium
- And lead, praseodymium and platinum, plutonium,
- Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium
- And tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium
- And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.
- There's sulfur, californium and fermium, berkelium
- And also mendelevium, einsteinium, nobelium
- And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc and rhodium
- And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin and sodium.
- These are the only ones of which the news has come to Ha'vard
- And there may be many others but they haven't been discavard.
- ==> english/equations.p <==
- Each equation below contains the initials of words that will make the phrase
- correct. Figure out the missing words. Lower case is used only to help the
- initials stand out better.
- Example: 26 = L. of the A.
- would be 26 = Letters of the Alphabet
- 1 = G. L. for M. K.
- 1 = S. C. in D. P.
- 1 = S. S. for a M.
- 1 = W. on a U.
- 2 = H. in a W.
- 2 = P. in a P.
- 3 = B. M., S. H. T. R.!
- 3 = D. of the C.
- 3 = W. M.
- 4 = Q. in a F. G.
- 4 = S. in a Y.
- 5 = D. in a Z. C.
- 5 = D. of the C.
- 5 = S. in the S. C.
- 5 = T. on a F.
- 6 = P. in a P.
- 6 = T. Z. in the U. S.
- 6 = of O. and a H. D. of the O.
- 7 = C. in a R.
- 7 = K. of F. in H. P.
- 7 = W. of the W.
- 8 = L. on a S.
- 8 = L. on an O.
- 8 = S. on a S. S.
- 9 = D. in a Z. C., with the S. C.
- 9 = L. of a C.
- 9 = P. in the S. S.
- 10 = L. I. B.
- 11 = P. on a C. T.
- 11 = P. on a F. T.
- 12 = D. of C.
- 12 = D. of J.
- 12 = S. of the Z.
- 12 = T. of I.
- 13 = B. D.
- 13 = S. on the A. F.
- 14 = D. in a F.
- 15 = M. on a D. M. C.
- 16 = O. in the P.
- 18 = H. on the G. C.
- 20 = C. in a P.
- 24 = B. B. B. in a P.
- 24 = B. B. to a C.
- 24 = H. in a D.
- 25 = Y. of M. for a S. A.
- 26 = L. of the A.
- 29 = D. in F. in a L. Y.
- 32 = D. F. at which W. F.
- 36 = I. on a Y. S.
- 40 = D. and N. of the G. F.
- 43 = B. in E. C. of N.
- 46 = C. in the H. B.
- 50 = W. to L. Y. L.
- 52 = W. in a Y.
- 54 = C. in a D.
- 57 = H. V.
- 64 = S. on a C.
- 76 = T. L. the B. P.
- 88 = C. in the S.
- 88 = P. K.
- 90 = D. in a R. A.
- 96 = T., by ?
- 100 = B. of B. on a W.
- 101 = D.
- 101 = a S. M. L.
- 200 = D. for P. G. in M.
- 206 = B. in the H. B.
- 365 = D. in a Y.
- 432 = P. in a H.
- 500 = M. in the I. F. H.
- 500 = S. in a R.
- 1000 = I. in N. Y.
- 1000 = W. that a P. is W.
- 1001 = A. N.
- 20000 = L. U. the S.
- ==> english/equations.s <==
- This puzzle originally was printed in "Games" magazine in 1981, by Will Shortz.
- Many people have added to it since then.
- 1 = G. L. for M. K. (1 giant leap for man kind)
- 1 = S. C. in D. P. (1 single calorie in diet pepsi)
- 1 = S. S. for a M. (1 small step for a man)
- 1 = W. on a U. (1 wheel on a unicycle)
- 2 = H. in a W. (2 halves in a whole)
- 2 = P. in a P. (2 peas in a pod)
- 3 = B. M., S. H. T. R.! (3 blind mice, see how they run!)
- 3 = D. of the C. (Days of the Condor -- movie)
- 3 = W. M. (3 wise men)
- 4 = Q. in a F. G. (4 quarters in a football game)
- 4 = S. in a Y. (4 seasons in a year)
- 5 = D. in a Z. C. (5 digits in a zip code)
- 5 = D. of the C. (Days of the Condor -- book)
- 5 = S. in the S. C. (stars in the Southern Cross)
- 5 = T. on a F. (5 toes on a foot)
- 6 = P. in a P. (6 pigs in a poke)
- 6 = T. Z. in the U. S. (time zones in the United States)
- 6 = of O. and a H. D. of the O. (6 of one and a half dozen of the other)
- 7 = C. in a R. (colors in a rainbow : ROYGBIV)
- 7 = K. of F. in H. P. (7 kinds of fruit in hawaiian punch)
- 7 = W. of the W. (7 wonders of the world)
- 8 = L. on a S. (legs on a spider)
- 8 = L. on an O. (8 legs on an octopus)
- 8 = S. on a S. S. (8 sides on a stop sign)
- 9 = D. in a Z. C., with the S. C. (digits in a zip code, with the street code)
- 9 = L. of a C. (9 lives of a cat)
- 9 = P. in the S. S. (9 planets in the solar system)
- 10 = L. I. B. (10 little indian boys)
- 11 = P. on a C. T. (11 players on a cricket team)
- 11 = P. on a F. T. (11 players on a football team)
- 12 = D. of C. (12 days of Christmas)
- 12 = D. of J. (disciples of Jesus)
- 12 = S. of the Z. (12 signs of the zodiac)
- 12 = T. of I. (12 tribes of Israel)
- 13 = B. D. (13 = baker's dozen)
- 13 = S. on the A. F. (13 stripes on the American flag)
- 14 = D. in a F. (14 days in a fortnight)
- 15 = M. on a D. M. C. (15 men on a dead man's chest)
- 16 = O. in the P. (ounces in the pound)
- 18 = H. on the G. C. (18 holes on the golf course)
- 20 = C. in a P. (20 cigarettes in a pack)
- 24 = B. B. B. in a P. (24 black birds baked in a pie)
- 24 = B. B. to a C. (24 beer bottles to a case)
- 24 = H. in a D. (24 hours in a day)
- 25 = Y. of M. for a S. A. (25 years of marriage for a silver anniversary)
- 26 = L. of the A. (letters of the alphabet)
- 29 = D. in F. in a L. Y. (29 days in Febuary in a leap year.)
- 32 = D. F. at which W. F. (32 degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes)
- 36 = I. on a Y. S. (36 inches on a yard stick)
- 40 = D. and N. of the G. F. (40 days and nights of the great flood)
- 43 = B. in E. C. of N. (beans in each cup of Nescafe)
- 46 = C. in the H. B. (chromosomes in the human body)
- 50 = W. to L. Y. L. (50 ways to leave your lover)
- 52 = W. in a Y. (52 weeks in a year)
- 54 = C. in a D. (with the J.) (54 cards in a deck with the jokers)
- 57 = H. V. (57 heinz varieties)
- 64 = S. on a C. (64 squares on a checkerboard)
- 76 = T. L. the B. P. (76 trombones led the big parade)
- 88 = C. in the S. (constellations in the sky)
- 88 = P. K. (88 piano keys)
- 90 = D. in a R. A. (90 degrees in a right angle)
- 96 = T., by ? (96 Tears, by ?)
- 100 = B. of B. on a W. (100 bottles of beer on a wall)
- 101 = D. (101 dalmations)
- 101 = a S. M. L. (101, a silly millimeter longer)
- 200 = D. for P. G. in M. (200 dollars for passing go in monopoly)
- 206 = B. in the H. B. (206 bones in the human body)
- 365 = D. in a Y. (365 days in a year)
- 432 = P. in a H. (pints in a hogshead)
- 500 = M. in the I. F. H. (500 miles in the Indianapolis Five Hundred)
- 500 = S. in a R. (sheets in a ream)
- 1000 = I. in N. Y. (1000 islands in new york)
- 1000 = W. that a P. is W. (1000 words that a picture is worth)
- 1001 = A. N. (1001 arabian nights, as in tales of)
- 20000 = L. U. the S. (20000 leagues under the sea)
- ==> english/fossil.p <==
- What are some examples of idioms that include obsolete words?
- ==> english/fossil.s <==
- These are called fossil expresions -- words that have dropped out of
- common use but hang around in idioms. Not all of them are separate
- words, some are part of other words or have prefixes or suffixes
- attached. There are also words which have current meaning, but the
- meaning in the idiom is unrelated to it.
- idiom fossil meaning of fossil
- --------------------------------------------------
- swashbuckler buckler small shield
- newfangled fangled siezed
- rank and file file column
- to and fro fro from
- gormless gorm attention
- hem and haw haw make the sound "haw"
- hem and haw hem make the sound "hem"
- hue and cry hue outcry
- kit and kaboodle kaboodle collection
- out of kilter kilter order
- kith and kin kith friends
- let or hinderance let hinderance
- footpad pad highwayman
- pratfall prat buttocks
- rank and file rank row
- raring to go raring enthusiastic
- ruthless ruth compassion
- short shrift shrift confession
- spick-and-span span chunk of wood
- spick-and-span spick nail (spike)
- swashbuckler swash bluster or stagger
- bank teller tell to count
- ==> english/frequency.p <==
- In the English language, what are the most frequently appearing:
- 1) letters overall?
- 2) letters BEGINNING words?
- 3) final letters?
- 4) digrams (ordered pairs of letters)?
- ==> english/frequency.s <==
- web2 = word list from Webster's Second Unabridged
- web2a = hyphenated words and phrases from Webster's Second Unabridged
- both = web2 + web2a
- net = several gigabytes of Usenet traffic
- 1) Most frequently appearing letters overall:
- web2: eiaorn tslcup mdhygb fvkwzx qj
- both: eairon tslcud pmhgyb fwvkzx qj
- net: etaoin srhldc umpfgy wbvkxj qz
- 2) Most frequently appearing letters BEGINNING words:
- web: spcaut mbdrhi eofgnl wvkjqz yx
- both: spcatb umdrhf eigowl nvkqjz yx
- net: taisow cmbphd frnelu gyjvkx qz
- 3) Most frequent final letters:
- web: eysndr ltacmg hkopif xwubzv jq
- both: eydsnr tlagcm hkpoiw fxbuzv jq
- net: estndr yolafg mhipuk cwxbvz jq
- 4) Most frequent digrams (ordered pairs of letters)
- web: er in ti on te al an at ic en is re ra le ri ro st ne ar ...
- both: er in te ti on an re al at le en ra ic ar st ri ro ed ne ...
- net: th he in er re an on at te es or en ar ha is ou it to st nd ...
- Program to compute this from word list in standard input:
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- typedef struct {
- int count;
- char name[3];
- } FREQ;
- FREQ all[256],initial[256],terminal[256],digram[65536];
- int compare(p,q)
- FREQ *p,*q;
- { return q->count - p->count;
- }
- void sort_and_print(freq,count,description)
- FREQ *freq;
- int count;
- char *description;
- { register FREQ *p;
- (void)qsort(freq,count,sizeof(*freq),compare);
- puts(description);
- for (p=freq;p<freq+count;p++)
- if (p->count) printf("%s %d\n",p->name,p->count);
- }
- main()
- { char s[BUFSIZ];
- register char *p;
- register int i;
- while (gets(s)!=NULL) {
- if (islower(*s)) {
- initial[*s].count++;
- sprintf(initial[*s].name,"%c",*s);
- for (p=s;*p;p++) {
- if (isalpha(*p)) {
- all[*p].count++;
- sprintf(all[*p].name,"%c",*p);
- if (isalpha(p[1])) {
- i = p[0]*256 + p[1];
- digram[i].count++;
- sprintf(digram[i].name,"%c%c",p[0],p[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- terminal[*--p].count++;
- sprintf(terminal[*p].name,"%c",*p);
- }
- }
- sort_and_print(all,256,"overall character distribution: ");
- sort_and_print(initial,256,"initial character distribution: ");
- sort_and_print(terminal,256,"terminal character distribution: ");
- sort_and_print(digram,65536,"digram distribution: ");
- }
- ==> english/gry.p <==
- Find three completely different words ending in "gry."
- ==> english/gry.s <==
- Aside from "angry" and "hungry" and words derived therefrom, there is
- only one word ending with "-gry" in Webster's Third Unabridged: "aggry."
- However, this word is defective in that it is part of a phrase "aggry beads."
- The OED's usage examples all talk about "aggry beads."
- Moving to older dictionaries, we find that "gry" itself is a word in Webster's
- Second Unabridged (and the OED):
- gry, n. [L. gry, a trifle; Gr. gry, a grunt]
- 1. a measure equal to one-tenth of a line. [Obs.] (Obs. = obsolete)
- 2. anything very small. [Rare.]
- This is a list of 94 words, phrases and names ending in "gry":
- [Explanation of references is given at the end of the list.]
- aggry [OED:1:182; W2; W3]
- Agry Dagh (Mount Agry) [EB11]
- ahungry [OED:1:194; FW; W2]
- angry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
- anhungry [OED:1:332; W2]
- Badagry [Johnston; EB11]
- Ballingry [Bartholomew:40; CLG:151; RD:164, pl.49]
- begry [OED:1:770,767]
- bewgry [OED:1:1160]
- bowgry [OED:1:1160]
- braggry [OED:1:1047]
- Bugry [TIG]
- Chockpugry [Worcester]
- Cogry [BBC]
- cony-gry [OED:2:956]
- conyngry [OED:2:956]
- Croftangry [DFC, as "Chrystal Croftangry"]
- dog-hungry [W2]
- Dshagry [Stieler]
- Dzagry [Andree]
- eard-hungry [CED (see "yird"); CSD]
- Echanuggry [Century:103-104, on inset map, Key 104 M 2]
- Egry [France; TIG]
- ever-angry [W2]
- fire-angry [W2]
- Gagry [EB11]
- gry (from Latin _gry_) [OED:4/2:475; W2]
- gry (from Romany _grai_) [W2]
- haegry [EDD (see "hagery")]
- half-angry [W2]
- hangry [OED:1:329]
- heart-angry [W2]
- heart-hungry [W2]
- higry pigry [OED:5/1:285]
- hogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD]
- hogrymogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "hogry-mogry")]
- hongry [OED:5/1:459; EDD:3:282]
- huggrymuggry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "huggry-muggry")]
- hungry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
- Hungry Bungry [Daily Illini, in ad for The Giraffe, Spring 1976]
- Jagry [EB11]
- kaingry [EDD (see "caingy")]
- land-hungry [W2]
- Langry [TIG; Times]
- Lisnagry [Bartholomew:489]
- MacLoingry [Phillips (as "Flaithbhertach MacLoingry")]
- mad-angry [OED:6/2:14]
- mad-hungry [OED:6/2:14]
- magry [OED:6/2:36, 6/2:247-48]
- malgry [OED:6/2:247]
- Margry [Indians (see "Pierre Margry" in bibliog., v.2, p.1204)]
- maugry [OED:6/2:247-48]
- mawgry [OED:6/2:247]
- meagry [OED:6/2:267]
- meat-hungry [W2]
- menagry [OED (see "managery")]
- messagry [OED]
- overangry [RH1; RH2]
- Pelegry [CE (in main index as "Raymond de Pelegry")]
- Pingry [Bio-Base; HPS:293-94, 120-21]
- podagry [OED; W2 (below the line)]
- Pongry [Andree (Supplement, p.572)]
- pottingry [OED:7/2:1195; Jamieson:3:532]
- puggry [OED:8/1:1573; FW; W2; W3]
- pugry [OED:8/1:1574]
- rungry [EDD:5:188]
- scavengry [OED (in 1715 quote under "scavengery")]
- Schtschigry [LG/1:2045; OSN:97]
- Seagry [TIG; EB11]
- Segry [Johnston; Andree]
- self-angry [W2]
- self-hungry ?
- Shchigry [CLG:1747; Johnson:594; OSN:97,206; Times:185,pl.45]
- shiggry [EDD]
- Shtchigry [LG/1:2045; LG/2:1701]
- Shtshigry [Lipp]
- skugry [OED:9/2:156, 9/1:297; Jamieson:4:266]
- Sygry [Andree]
- Tangry [France]
- Tchangry [Johnson:594; LG/1:435,1117]
- Tchigry [Johnson:594]
- tear-angry [W2]
- tike-hungry [CSD]
- Tingry [France; EB11 (under "Princesse de Tingry")]
- toggry [Simmonds (as "Toggry", but all entries are capitalized)]
- ulgry [Partridge; Smith:24-25]
- unangry [W2]
- vergry [OED:12/1:123]
- Virgy [CLG:2090]
- Wirgy [CLG:2090; NAP:xxxix; Times:220, pl.62; WA:948]
- wind-angry.
- wind-hungry [W2]
- yeard-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
- yerd-hungry [CED (see "yird"); OED]
- yird-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
- Ymagry [OED:1:1009 (col. 3, 1st "boss" verb), (variant of "imagery")]
- This list was gathered from the following articles:
- George H. Scheetz. In Goodly Gree: With Goodwill. Word Ways 22:195 (Nov. 1989)
- Murray R. Pearce. Who's Flaithbhertach MacLoingry? Word Ways 23:6 (Feb. 1990)
- Harry B. Partridge. Gypsy Hobby Gry. Word Ways 23:9 (Feb. 1990)
- References:
- (Many references are of the form [Source:volume:page] or [Source:page].)
- Andree, Richard. Andrees Handatlas (index volume). 1925.
- Bartholomew, John. Gazetteer of the British Isles: Statistical and
- Topographical. 1887.
- BBC = BBC Pronouncing Dictionary of English Names.
- Bio-Base. (Microfiche) Detroit: Gale Research Company. 1980.
- CE = Catholic Encyclopedia. 1907.
- CED = Chambers English Dictionary. 1988.
- Century = "India, Northern Part." The Century Atlas of the World. 1897, 1898.
- CLG = The Colombia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World. L.E.Seltzer, ed. 1952.
- CSD = Chambers Scots Dictionary. 1971 reprint of 1911 edition.
- Daily Illini (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
- DFC = Dictionary of Fictional Characters. 1963.
- EB11 = Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed.
- EDD = The English Dialect Dictionary. Joseph Wright, ed. 1898.
- France = Map Index of France. G.H.Q. American Expeditionary Forces. 1918.
- FW = Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. 1943.
- HPS = The Handbook of Private Schools: An Annual Descriptive Survey of
- Independent Education, 66th ed. 1985.
- Indians = Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. F. W. Hodge. 1912.
- Jamieson, John. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 1879-87.
- Johnston, Keith. Index Geographicus... 1864.
- LG/1 = Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer
- or Geographical Dictionary of the World. 1888.
- LG/2 = Lippincott's New Gazetteer: ... 1906.
- Lipp = Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World. 1861, undated
- edition from late 1800's; 1902.
- NAP = Narodowy Atlas Polski. 1973-1978 [Polish language]
- OED = The Oxford English Dictionary. 1933. [Form: OED:volume/part number if
- applicable:page]
- OSN: U.S.S.R. Volume 6, S-T. Official Standard Names Approved by the United
- States Board on Geographic Names. Gazetteer #42, 2nd ed. June 1970.
- Partridge, Harry B. "Ad Memoriam Demetrii." Word Ways, 19 (Aug. 1986): 131.
- Phillips, Lawrence. Dictionary of Biographical Reference. 1889.
- RD = The Reader's Digest Complete Atlas of the British Isles, 1st ed. 1965.
- RH1 = Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. 1966.
- RH2 = Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition
- Unabridged. 1987.
- Simmonds, P.L. Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products. 1883.
- Smith, John. The True Travels, Adventvres and Observations: London 1630.
- Stieler, Adolph. Stieler's Handatlas (index volume). 1925.
- TIG = The Times Index-Gazetteer of the World. 1965.
- Times = The Times Atlas of the World, 7th ed. 1985.
- W2 = Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language,
- Second Edition, Unabridged. 1934.
- W3 = Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language,
- Unabridged. 1961.
- WA = The World Atlas: Index-Gazetteer. Council of Ministires of the USSR, 1968.
- Worcester, J.E. Universal Gazetteer, Second Edition. 1823.
- Some words containing "gry" that do not end with "gry": agrypnia,
- agrypnotic, Gryllidae, gryllid, gryllus, Gryllus, grylloblattid,
- Gryllotalpa, gryllos, grypanian, Gryphaea, Gryll, Gryphaea, gryposis,
- grysbok, gryphon, Gryphosaurus, Grypotherium, grysbuck. Most of these
- are in Webster's Second also with one from Webster's Third Edition and
- one from the Random House Dictionary, Second Edition Unabridged.
- ==> english/homographs.p <==
- List all homographs (words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently)
- ==> english/homographs.s <==
- This list composed by Mark Brader <msb@sq.com>
- Classes:
- A - All of the following "defects" absent
- B - Basic meanings are related
- C - Capitalization differs ("capitonyms")
- D - Different spellings also exist (US vs UK, hyphenation, etc.)
- E - Equal pronunciations also exist (US vs UK, regional, etc.)
- F - Foreign word, or may be distinguished with accent marks
- G - Gcontrived :-), coined, jargon, or other uncommon word
- N - Alleged, but I could not find support for this one in my dictionary
- and it is not familiar to me
- 3 - 3-way homograph
- 4 - 4-way homograph
- B abstract {corresponding noun and verb; henceforth abbreviated NV}
- B abuse {NV}
- B addict {NV}
- B advocate {NV}
- BG affect {alter; emotion}
- B affiliate {NV}
- B affix {NV}
- G agape {wide open; form of love}
- B aggregate {NV}
- G ai {sloth; ouch!}
- BE ally {NV}
- B alternate {NV}
- BD analyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)}
- B animate {verb; adjective}
- A appropriate {take posession of; suitable}
- B approximate {verb; adjective}
- E are {form of to be; unit of area}
- B arithmetic {noun; adjective}
- B articulate {verb; adjective}
- 4DFG as {like; Roman coin; Persian card game; pl. of a}
- B aspirate {NV}
- B associate {NV}
- B attribute {NV}
- C august
- A axes {plural of ax; plural of axis}
- A bases {plural of base; plural of basis}
- A bass {~ fiddle; fishing for ~}
- N blessed
- A bow(ed) {~ and arrow; ~ to the king}
- E buffet {jostle; ~ lunch}
- B bustier {undergarment; more busty}
- B close {~ call; ~ the door}
- B closer {door ~; more close}
- B coagulate {NV}
- G coax {urge; coaxial cable}
- 3FG colon {":"; colonial farmer; Costa Rican monetary unit}
- B combat {NV}
- B combine {NV}
- A commune {take Communion; administrative district}
- A compact {closely arranged; treaty}
- B compound {NV}
- B compress {NV}
- B conduct {NV}
- B confect {NV}
- B confines {NV}
- B conflict {NV}
- B conglomerate {NV}
- B conjugate {NV}
- BE conserve {preserve; jam}
- A console {soothe; keyboard desk}
- B consort {NV}
- B construct {NV}
- B consummate {verb; adjective}
- N contact
- E content {what is contained; satisfied}
- B contest {NV}
- B contract {NV}
- B contrast {NV}
- N convent
- A converse {logic term; to talk}
- B convert {NV}
- B convict {NV}
- BE coordinate {NV}
- FG dame {woman; term in the game of Go}
- DE decameter {poetic line with 10 feet; 10 meters (US)}
- B defect {flaw; turn traitor}
- E defense {sports term; fortification}
- BE delegate {NV}
- B deliberate {adjective; verb}
- A desert {leave alone; Sahara ~}
- B desolate {adjective; verb}
- D dingy {dull; small boat}
- BE discharge {NV}
- N divers {plural diver; various}
- F do {perform; tonic note of scale}
- A does {~ the buck see the ~?}
- A dove {dived; pigeon}
- F dozen {12; stun (Scottish)}
- B drawer {one who draws; chest of ~s}
- B duplicate {NV}
- B elaborate {verb; adjective}
- A entrance {door; delight}
- BDE envelop {NV}
- N envelope
- N ergotism {logical reasoning; ergot poisoning}
- B escort {NV}
- N escrow
- B essay {piece of writing; try}
- B estimate {NV}
- CFG ewe {female sheep; African language}
- B excuse {NV}
- B exploit {NV}
- BF expose {NV}
- B ferment {NV}
- N fiasco {failure; bottle}
- BDE fillet {cut of meat/fish; band of ribbon/wood}
- G formal {ceremonious; methylal}
- DEG genet {civetlike animal; horselike animal}
- A gill {volume unit; organ in fish}
- A glower {sullen look; one that glows}
- B graduate {NV}
- F he {pronoun; Hebrew letter}
- CE herb {name; plant}
- A hinder {hamper; posterior}
- B house {NV}
- B import {NV}
- A incense {infuriate; perfume for burning}
- B increase {NV}
- B initiate {NV}
- B insert {NV}
- B insult {NV}
- B intern {NV}
- A intimate {~ relations; to suggest}
- A invalid {cripple; erroneous}
- B invite {NV}
- G is {form of to be; plural of i}
- B jagged {slashed or cut; having a zigzag edge}
- C Job
- BCF jubilate {rejoice; joyous song}
- CF junker/Junker
- 3A lather {suds; lath worker; lathe worker}
- A lead {~ pipe; ~ astray}
- B {past tense verb; adjective}
- BE legged {past tense verb; adjective}
- CF Lima
- B live {~ in peace; ~ audience}
- B lives {~ in peace; for all of our ~}
- D lower {to let down; frown}
- F manes {plural of mane; Roman gods}
- F mate {friend; type of tea}
- N mead
- A minute {60 seconds; tiny}
- B misconduct {NV}
- BE mobile {movable; wind-blown sculpture}
- B moderate {NV}
- EG molar {back tooth; chemical term}
- A moped {brooded; fun vehicle}
- B mouse {rodent; to hunt them}
- B mouth {NV}
- A mow {pile of hay; to cut down}
- B multiply {verb; adverb}
- A number {decimal ~; more numb}
- B object {thing; complain}
- E offense {sports term; attack}
- 3DG os {bone; esker; pl. of o}
- A overage {too old; surplus}
- BD paralyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)}
- A pasty {pastelike; British meat pie}
- 3FG pate {head; food paste; porcelain paste for ceramics}
- A peaked {sharply pointed; unhealthy looking}
- A peer {equal; one who pees}
- B perfect {verb; adjective}
- G periodic {regularly occurring; ~ acids, HIO4 and related substances}
- B permit {NV}
- C Placer
- C polish
- A poll {head; group of students}
- B predicate {NV}
- N premise
- A present {current; Christmas ~}
- E primer {intro book/material (US); device for priming}
- B proceeds {goes; income}
- B produce {give rise to; fruits and vegetables}
- B progress {to move forward; work in ~}
- A project {planned undertaking; to throw forward}
- N prospect
- B protest {NV}
- A pussy {cat; infected}
- B putter/putting {golf club; one that puts}
- DG rabat {clerical garment; pottery piece used for polishing}
- DG rabbi {clerical garment; Jewish religious official}
- B ragged {teased; tattered}
- F re {pertaining to; 2nd note of scale}
- B read {present tense; past tense}
- C Reading
- F real {actual; former Spanish coin}
- B rebel {NV}
- B recess {NV}
- B recoil {NV}
- B record {NV}
- D recreate {relax; create again}
- 3BD redress {compensate; compensation; dress again}
- B refill {NV}
- B refund {NV}
- B refuse {NV}
- B regress {NV}
- B reject {NV}
- N repent {regret; creeping}
- B replay {NV}
- D represent {stand for; present again}
- B rerun {NV}
- D research {investigate; search again}
- A resent {be indignant; sent again}
- D reserve {hold back; serve again}
- D resign {quit; sign again}
- D resolve {settle dispute; solve again}
- D resort {vacation spot; sort again}
- F resume {work summary; restart}
- A river {watercourse; one who rives}
- F rose {flower; wine}
- DE routing {making a route for (US spelling); woodworking term}
- A row {a fight; ~,~,~ your boat}
- DF sake {purpose; Japanese drink}
- 3AF salve {ointment; salvage; hail!}
- N second
- B segment {NV}
- B separate {NV}
- A severer {cutter; more severe}
- 3AG sewer {one who sews; storm ~; head servant at table}
- A shower {one who shows; ~ stall}
- B syndicate {NV}
- A singer {one who singes; one who sings}
- A skied {past tense of ski; past tense of sky}
- A slaver {slave taker; drool}
- A slough {swamp; cast-off}
- A sow {~ seeds; female pig}
- A stingy {meager; able to sting}
- B subject {NV}
- A supply {in a supple way; ~ and demand}
- B survey {NV}
- B suspect {NV}
- N swinger {whopper; one that swings}
- CF tang {flavor; Chinese dynasty}
- A tarry {covered in tar; dawdle}
- A tear {~ down; shed a ~}
- A thou {you; slang for thousand}
- A thymic {of thyme; of thymus}
- A tier {one who ties; row or rank}
- B torment {NV}
- A tower {one who tows; leaning ~}
- B transfer {NV}
- B transplant {NV}
- B transport {NV}
- DG unionized {~ labor; ~ hydrogen}
- B upset {NV}
- G us {we; plural of u}
- B use {NV}
- A violist {viol player; viola player}
- A wind {~ the clock; north ~}
- CF worms
- A wound {injury; wrapped around}
- N yak {ox; laugh}
- ==> english/homophones.p <==
- What words have four or more spellings that sound alike?
- ==> english/homophones.s <==
- air, aire, are, ayr, ayer, e'er, ere, err, heir
- cense, cents, scents, sense
- eau, eaux, O, oh, owe
- ==> english/j.ending.p <==
- What words and names end in j?
- ==> english/j.ending.s <==
- Following is a compilation of words ending in j from various
- dictionaries. Capitalized words and words marked as foreign
- are included, but to keep the list to a managable size,
- personal and place names are excluded.
- aflaj plural of falaj (Cham)
- benj variant of bhang - hemp plant (NI2)
- bhimraj the rachet-tailed drongo (F&W)
- Bhumij branch of Munda tribes in India (NI3)
- Chuj a people of Northwestern Guatemala (NI3)
- esraj an Indian musical instrument with 3 or 4 strings (OED2)
- falaj a water channel as part of the ancient irrigation
- system of Oman (Cham)
- Funj variant of Fung - a people dominant in Sennar (NI3)
- gaj Omanese coin (NI2)
- genj a common type of cotton cloth in Sudan (F&W)
- gunj a grannery in India (NI2)
- hadj variant of hajj (NI3)
- haj variant of hajj (NI3)
- hajilij the bito - a small scrubby tree that grows in dry
- parts of Africa and Asia (NI2)
- hajj pilgimage to Mecca (NI3)
- hij obsolete form of hie or high (OED2)
- Jubaraj variant of Yuvaraja - the male heir to an Indian
- pricipality (OED2)
- kaleej variant of kalij (NI3)
- kalij any of several crested Indian pheasants (NI3)
- kankrej guzerat - a breed of Indian cattle (NI3)
- kharaj a tax on unbelievers (NI2)
- Khawarij plural of Kharijite - a member of the oldest
- religious sect of Islam (NI3)
- khiraj variant of kharaj (NI2)
- kilij a Turkish saber with a crescent shaped blade (RHD)
- kurunj variant of kurung - the Indian beech (NI2)
- Maharaj variant of Maharaja - East Indian prince (OED2)
- munj a tough Asiatic grass (NI3)
- naranj Maldive Island name for mancala - an Arabian board
- game (CD)
- pakhawaj a doubleheaded drum used in Indian music (OED2)
- raj rule (NI3)
- saj the Indian laurel (NI2)
- samaj Hindu religious society (NI3)
- sohmaj variant of samaj (NI2)
- somaj variant of samaj (NI2)
- svaraj variant of swaraj (F&W)
- swaraj local self-government in India (NI3)
- taj a tall conical cap worn by Moslems (NI3)
- tedj variant of tej (OED2)
- tej Ethiopian mead (OED2)
- Viraj in Hindu Mythology, the mysterious primeval being
- when differentiating itself into male and female (F&W)
- Yuvaraj same as Jubaraj (OED2)
- Yuveraj same as Jubaraj (OED2)
- Yuvraj same as Jubaraj (OED2)
- zij Persian astronomical tables (F&W)
- This list is almost certainly not complete. For example, on
- page 187 of Beyond Language, Dmitri Borgmann has "Udruj" in a
- word list. What reference he dug this word out of is unknown;
- the combined efforts of the NPL electronic mailing list could
- not produce the source of this word. So additions to this list
- will be welcomed by the author.
- CD - The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1911
- Cham - Chambers English Dictionary, 1988
- F&W - Funk & Wagnall's New Standard Dictionary of the English
- Language, 1941
- NI2 - Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition,
- 1942
- NI3 - Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1981
- OED2 - Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, 1989
- RHD - Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 1966
- ---
- Dan Tilque -- dant@logos.WR.TEK.COM
- ==> english/ladder.p <==
- Find the shortest word ladders stretching between the following pairs:
- hit - ace
- pig - sty
- four - five
- play - game
- green - grass
- wheat - bread
- order - chaos
- order - impel
- sixth - hubby
- speedy - comedy
- chasing - robbers
- effaces - cabaret
- griming - goblets
- vainest - injects
- vainest - infulae